
Superhydrophobic Waterproofing Solutions in Singapore

The demand for waterproofing solutions is surging in Singapore. Many homeowners are becoming more aware of its benefits.  It serves as an additional layer of protection for their homes and other establishments. What happens is that the water instantly rolls off or bounces away the moment it touches an establishment’s surface. Without it, the water is just absorbed by the surface. The latest waterproofing methods prevent the possibility of leaking or unwanted water spots on the ceiling during times of low humidity. 

On the other hand, establishments without any waterproofing coating are prone to water corrosion and unwanted water leaks. These kinds of untoward events are alarming for homeowners because the water will corrode the metal and the cement that will cause the deterioration of their property. Of course, nobody wants this to happen. 

However, there are a lot of waterproofing materials and methods that are currently available in the market and as an ordinary person, these things may seem overwhelming to you. 

Don’t worry because we’re here to lay out some of the most effective waterproofing methods that are currently available in the Singaporean market. 

What are Superhydrophobic Waterproofing Methods?

Let’s start with the basic definition of “superhydrophobic”. The word may appear a little bit complex but what the word simply means is “ “super water-resistant and protected.” 

The water forms into a droplet shape and then instantly rolls away when it hits a surface coated with a superhydrophobic coating. In an article recently published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, superhydrophobic waterproofing coating is made up of a mixture of “fluorinated polyurethane elastomer” and “F-POSS,” a particular water-repellent molecule that can be sprayed onto nearly any surface and has a somewhat rubbery texture that makes it more robust than its predecessors.

How is it different from other waterproofing methods?

Many scientists believe that superhydrophobic waterproofing methods are far superior if it is being compared to other waterproofing methods. 

Not only does it make things waterproof but it can be applied for almost any material in different industries without compromising the material itself.  

In a study published by the University of Michigan. They emphasized that the superhydrophobic waterproofing method has the potential to waterproof vehicles, garments, rooftops, and a variety of other surfaces where existing waterproofing treatments are too delicate. It could also reduce the resistance of ship hulls, lowering the fuel consumption of the large ships that transport 90% of the world’s cargo. Unlike other waterproofing methods that can only be applied to a specific type of material. 

What are the Pro’s of using Superhydrophobic Waterproofing Methods?

As mentioned, you may apply superhydrophobic waterproofing methods to almost any surface. It can be applied to solar panels. The water will just roll off to its surface while carrying along with the dirt and other particles from the solar panels’ surface. 

You may also apply to your showers, tubs or toilets that you don’t want hard water spots to mark. It can be used in Bio-medical devices like the interior of tubes or syringes that deliver fluids to patients with superhydrophobic waterproofing methods applied to airplane wings allowing them to resist wingtip icing during cold humid weather conditions. Other uses for superhydrophobic surfaces include machinery, vehicles, and roods where brittle materials must endure harsh environments for a long period.

How does this relate to your home? Well, it just means that the waterproofing method is superhydrophobic even in the most hardworking surfaces. This leads to more foolproof protection in parts of your interior vulnerable to leakage.

Furthermore, what’s great about the superhydrophobic surface is that it’s the latest waterproofing method and it can self-heal. It means that the coating may heal itself hundreds of times despite being abraded, scratched, burned, and chemically damaged. An article published by Michigan news claimed that the University of Michigan developed a self-healing, water-repellent and spray-on coating, which is a hundred times more durable if it’s compared to other water-repellent coatings. 

Speaking of roofs, they are one of the most important components of any building or construction. It provides us protection against environmental elements. However, the roof is also the most commonly damaged part of the house since it’s exposed to these elements day and night. It’s vital that this must be addressed as soon as possible to prevent leakage or crack. 

Of course, most of us don’t have the luxury of time to do this since it requires a lot of manpower, years of expertise, and advanced construction materials. To get the job done, M3 Multi Services PTE LTD (M3M) is ready to help you with this matter along with their team of experts. 

M3M offers on-site consultation, assessment of the establishment, waterproofing services, and painting services. Through the years, the company has built a strong clientele with their excellent waterproofing services and use of the latest methods.

If you want to learn more about waterproofing and other topics related to it. You may read our articles. You may also contact us for an on-site consultation. We’re looking forward to assisting you.