
Crystalline Technology: Waterproofing Solution in Singapore for Concrete

Premature deterioration of concrete structures – causing water leakages – is somewhat considered a “pandemic” among homes, buildings, and other infrastructure worldwide, including in Singapore. Concrete degradation is a big issue for any homeowner not only because it leads to other problems like leakage. It is also because of its excessive cost, environmental impact, and safety issues. This makes it hard to find a waterproofing solution that addresses all of that.

For the past few years, companies have been constantly developing waterproofing solutions, aiming to satisfy various interior concerns. There are three common options for leakage problems. Concrete waterproofing can be done from the positive (wet/exterior) side, negative (dry/ interior) side, or from within the concrete itself (integral systems).

Using sheet membranes on the positive side is the commonly used solution for treating concretes, mainly because it has been available in the market for the longest. However, this method has become notorious due to its failures, limitations, and costs. 

More recently, integral systems of waterproofing are becoming more popular in Singapore. It is known to be highly effective, time-saving, and cost-saving compared to other traditional methods. Specifically, Crystalline Waterproofing Technology is making its buzz among industry experts. 

To fully understand how Crystalline Waterproofing works, it is best to understand the problem it addresses.

The Nature of Concrete and its Deterioration

Concrete is the most common construction material used in various infrastructures in Singapore. With that said, it has a complex composition. Concrete itself has low strength, especially when loaded in tension. It needs other components that strengthen the material. Concrete is usually composed of cement, water, aggregates, reinforcing materials, and chemical and mineral admixtures. Reinforcing materials such as steel and metal bars – alongside chemical admixtures – are used to improve the strength of concrete.

The issue with concrete is that it’s susceptible to cracking and water leakage. It is because of the material’s porous nature. Concrete has an average pore size of 1,000 -10,000 nm. This allows water (with a diameter of 0.28 nm) to seep into its interior. 

From there, the presence of water creates chemical attacks on the concrete. Infrastructure sewage contains organic matter such as bacteria, fungi, and other biological matter that are responsible for sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). SRBs produce sulphur compounds, which remain in the water. In turn, when the oxygen in the air depletes, it forms another waste product called hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Hydrogen sulphide disperses out of the water, but a certain amount of it remains. 

H2S is not necessarily damaging. However, once it settles on the concrete surface and seeps through the material, it can cause the lowering of the pH level at the surface from 12.5 to 9. Once the pH levels drop, along with the presence of excess moisture, it begins the process of Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC), where sulphides in the water transform into sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid then attacks the concrete when it penetrates the surface.

Essentially, the accumulation of water and moisture weakens the interior of infrastructures. Furthermore, the humidity leads to more issues including:

  • growth of fungus and mould (which can lead to various health problems)
  • damage to mortar, paint, and drywall
  • deterioration of the interior structure
  • increased maintenance costs
  • very expensive repairs

To target such an integrated problem, you also need a waterproofing solution that targets the issue at its core. That’s why innovative solutions like Crystalline Waterproofing are rising in popularity.

What is Crystalline Waterproofing?

Crystalline Waterproofing Technology aids in enhancing the durability of concrete by filling the pores and tracts of the surface. This solution is composed of chemical substances, designed to react with by-products of cement hydration. The reaction forms crystalline structures that block up capillary tracts and voids in the concrete, improving its strength. How does it do so?

Crystalline Waterproofing solutions in Singapore are available in powder form, which can be either combined with the concrete mix or stirred with water to create a mixture to be applied to the surface of structures. 

First, the concrete for waterproofing will be saturated with water and a low-density solution. Then, the Crystalline Waterproofing material is combined with the mixture, creating a high-density solution that will either be brushed or sprayed to the surface. This solution uses water to help the material seep through even in the smallest crevices of concrete. 

Before application, make sure that the concrete surface is clean of any rubble, honeycomb, and other debris. If you have a rough surface, it should be smoothened. If there are holes, they should also be patched with a material that won’t hinder your Crystalline solution. Remember to be cautious as some products are flammable or cause harmful chemical reactions. This process should be handled with care.

Once applied, the interaction between water, cement by-products, and the waterproofing solution creates a new non-soluble crystalline structure that fills the pores of the concrete. This can penetrate 12 inches inside the wall. Because it permeates the material itself, the concrete remains protected from any external damage.

Moreover, Crystalline Waterproofing is an effective solution because of the various chemical reactions it engages with the material. It prevents chemical reactions from CO and CO2, which causes corrosion when mixed with concrete. Also, it blocks alkali and chloride in water from seeping into the surface, avoiding corrosion of concrete and steel.

Advantages of Crystalline Waterproofing

Improved Durability

Unlike other waterproofing solutions in Singapore, the crystals formed in the material are insoluble. It creates a surface that is resistant to physical damage, punctures, tears, and seam leaks. The results have increased durability that lasts for a long time.

Versatile Application

Crystalline Waterproofing can be applied in different ways including dry sprinkle, slurry application, or as an admixture. Furthermore, as it promotes a natural hydration process, the solution is suitable for complex architectures, even those that require waterproofing for any shape or form.

VOC Free

If you’re eco-conscious, Crystalline Waterproofing solutions don’t contain any volatile organic compound (VOC). It can be recycled as there is no membrane separation required. Crystalline solutions also do not have any waterborne contaminants.

Convenient Installation

The application of this solution is simple. It is non-invasive, minimising any damage during the installation process. As a result, it requires less manpower and time to execute.


Due to its non-complicated application, it reduces the cost needed for the process. No need to hire a lot of manpower and set a long work schedule. For the cost you invest, you will be getting a long term waterproofing solution.

To achieve these advantages with Crystalline Waterproofing, it is best to hire a professional that is well-versed in this technique.

M3M: “The Leakage Expert”

M3 Multiservices Pte Ltd is one of the leading waterproofing service contractors in Singapore. For 9 years, the company has built a strong clientele through their excellent waterproofing services, using advanced and innovative technologies. M3M also offers on-site analysis to figure out the solutions that will best suit the needs of your property.

M3M offers a full range of waterproofing procedures such as waterproofing for RC flat roofs, pitched roofs, fixed roof awnings, open balconies, wet areas (i.e. kitchens and bathrooms), as well as walls and basements.

Aside from waterproofing, the company also offers other services such as painting and coating, minor works in construction, and other general contract work, to ensure that ceiling leaks will not be a problem for a long time. M3M is a reliable waterproofing company that delivers high-quality service every time.