
Cleaning Your Roof? Here are some things to note.

Cleaning the roof is usually the last thing on your agenda, Roof cleaning is always a big hassle and it is also dangerous without the proper experience to do so. Furthermore if not done properly, it may cause more harm to your roof than good, M3M is here to share with you the common mistakes so you won’t have to fork out a huge amount for repair in the future.

There are a lot of households who make their own version of having their roof cleaned. As they call it, DIY or “Do It Yourself”, which sometimes leads to a lot of mistakes and damages. The reason why people do this often is because of preventing a lot of expenses or simply as learning new skills to do it for the family instead of hiring professionals. 

However, there is more than just having it cleaned when it comes to roof cleaning. It needs proper materials and methods to have it done neatly and ditch the possibilities of getting in trouble.

There are proper ways or do’s and don’ts when cleaning your roof. Some of you may be thinking that there are no rules with roof cleaning, but actually, there are. It is good to know how to properly clean your roof and the materials on your roof to prevent further mistakes that may cause you loads of expenses. Knowing the right way of cleaning your roof is also necessary to help you prevent damaging other areas that may be near or around your roof.

Cleaning Roof Mistakes: Do’s and Don’ts


1. Clean roof using garden hose with sprayer

  • At hardware stores, there are sprayers that can be bought as an attachment to a garden hose. The trick with using these is the solution. Add equal parts of chlorine bleach and water to the garden hose. Using this technique helps especially when cleaning roofs made out of asphalt shingles.
  • A cleaning roof hack that is very effective is to let the water and bleach mixture sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing the roof with clean water because cleansing the solution too early may not do anything.

2. Use a long broom to clean

  • To make sure you are safe from falling or from engaging in any danger, you can use a long soft broom to brush off the debris or stains that are hard to reach. Moreover, when there are big objects on the roof that need to be removed, using a long broom can save you from having a hard time removing the object safely and less trouble.
  • Take note not to put too much pressure on the broom when brushing the roof. Applying too much pressure can destroy your roof shingles.

3. Cleaning your roof during a cloudy day

  • A common cleaning roof mistake is when some people decide to do their cleaning on any random day. This is definitely wrong. It is better to have your roof cleaned during a cloudy day. Do not clean your roof during days that the wind is strong. Cleaning the roof at this time may be dangerous and cause the threat of falling from the roof.

4. Hire a professional

  • Hiring a professional roof cleaner does not only lessens the hassle but also helps you prevent possible mistakes. These professional roof cleaners also are aware of the proper chemicals and types of equipment to use that matches the material of your roof.
  • Safety is also one of the reasons why it is a better option. DIY cleaning is not as bad, but is one of the most common cleaning roof mistake.The benefit of hiring a cleaning team to have your roof clean is not worrying for your safety. These experts are trained and have gone through a lot of experiences with regard to having your roof cleaned.


1.  Using power washer to clean roof

  • Using a pressure washer or a power washer is not advisable when cleaning your roof because it might damage or loosen the roof shingles. That is why the best advice is to use sprayers, which have lighter pressure that can prevent the shingles from being detached.

2. Walking on roofs to clean

  • Walking on your roof to clean is as dangerous as walking above the roof on a random day. The roof can be slippery because of algae, moss, or molds that are usually damp. There can also be instances that there are hazardous objects at the roof unnoticed such as dried leaves, fallen branches, bird poop, and sharp-rusty edges that might get you into serious danger.
  • Also, consider that your roof might not be sturdy enough to handle your weight. Instances can be, you fall from the roof and create huge damage that may cost you a lot to repair.

3. Cleaning your roof during a sunny day

  • When using a solution with bleach, it is not recommended to do it on a sunny day. The bleach may not be as effective as on a cloudy day. It will evaporate quickly and may limit its cleaning effect.
  • Health-wise, it is not safe to clean under the sun, especially being on the roof. Mostly to those people who are prone to having heat stroke or have a low tolerance to heat.

M3M for Waterproofing Services

If you wish to find a professional cleaning team to have your roofs done, go for a company that will surely provide satisfaction and results. Also, hire a company that uses the latest technology to lessen the hassle for their clients.

M3 Multiservices Pte Ltd is a professional waterproofing and coating company and has been providing customers with waterproofing works, such as ceiling waterproofing, roof waterproofing, and painting services including other general contract work for 9 years now.

M3M is also one of the leading waterproofing companies who specializes in various waterproofing solutions based in Singapore. A proof that it still continues to provide satisfying works for their clients and manages to maintain professional services.

If you want M3M for your roof maintenance, contact us.

Having a professional do the job helps you a lot in terms of safety and having the job done in one sweep. Also, it decreases the chances of missing any step that is necessary for roof cleaning.